Friday, 23 January 2009


Can't sleep....I have to be up in 3 hours and 36 minutes (0454 according to my laptop time) Good Times!!!!

I was reading 'Keeping Faith' by Jodi Picoult and came across something I never knew. The word passion comes from the Latin passio which means to suffer. Sounds about right to me! I'd love to meet someone who's had passion and not had to suffer any kind of pain because of it, pretty sure I'd be more likely to win the lottery if I'm honest.

Argh!! Why am I not tired...this is getting beyond a joke.

In fact in an attempt to bore myself to sleep, I'm gonna fill in one of those random quizzes that you find doing the rounds on facebook/myspace...
Name: Lisa

Age: 22

Birthday: 22nd September

Eye color: Brown

Hair Color: This bizarre mix of brown with some natural blond highlights

Sign: I was born on the cusp so...Virgo/Libra

height: 5'6"

nickname(s): Lis, Smise, Mama Puds, Lili, Li, Lisa La La Legs, La La Legs, Mucktub, Little Bit (they're all the ones I can think wonder I forget my own name lol)

birth place: Leeds

Your all time favorite band: At the moment Theory of a Deadman

Colour: Black/Silver

Movie: The Butterfly Effect

CD: Aerosmith - Nine Lives

Favorite quote: Ian - I'm going celibate
Jeff - What, sell a bit here, sell a bit there?
(ok not a quote with any deep meaning but it made me chuckle when Ian told me about it)

Show of all time: X-Factor

song of all time: The majority of dance stuff is pretty crap

movie of all time: Superbad...wasn't that funny

friend of all time: I would never say in case they read my blog!

movie star of all time: Tom Cruise

CD of all time: Simon Logan's Greatest Wind was funny the first time and not very funny after that

holiday of all time: Would be when I went to Cornwall with my mates, been stuck in a car saying 'On Saturday in Somerset' WITH THE ACCENT for 8 HOURS!!! tends to make you go a little crazy, plus when I got home I found out our moglet had gone missing

word association
Heart: beat

house: hold

cat: box

chair: office

wind: tide

lamp: shade

boat: river

ocean: frollicks

floor: laminate

glitter: dust

if you could...
relive one moment in your life what would it be: I don't know...think when my dad gets told he's in remission I'll want to relive that moment for a while.

do one thing before you die what would it be: Bungee Jump

tell someone exactly what you think who would it be: Everyone knows what I think about them...unless it's meant in a bad way then there's no-one

have one super power what would it be: Invisibility...I'd go round scaring people

If you were...
a superhero what would your name be: idea

rich what is one thing you would do: Buy a house in Italy near the coast

to suddenly be stranded on an island what one thing would you want with you?: my phone to ring for help

Funniest: Kay and Emily

Scariest: Sarah...jeez!!

Shyest: Andy

most original: Emily

This or that
Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi

Coco puffs or count chocula: Coco Puffs...count chocula sound like they'd try to eat you..

Saw or Hostel: Saw...never seen Hostel

Devils rejects or House of 1000 corpses: Neither

tv or movie: Movie

Last questions I swear!
Have you ever...
sang until you were hoarse: Yes

screamed for no reason: No

Hit someone with your car: No, unless you include the unfortunate curb before my driving test (see after the quiz...)

gotten in a car accident: Yes but I wasn't driving...been in two in fact

written a poem: Yes

burned a picture: Yes

gone to a concert: Yes

participated in a Mosh Pit: Yes

No really....this is the end
Do you
Have a significant other: No

drink: Yes

smoke: Yes...I was meant to be stopping in the New Year...ooops

cuss: Far too much

get along with your ex: Yeah 'cept for one guy

get along with your family: Yep

ok...last ones...RANDOM TIME!
Have you ever shot a gun: No

have you ever been on stage: Yes

have you danced on a pole: Yes...I blame the alcohol and Heaven and Smell for having a pole

have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a stripper: Nope

what would your stripper song be: Touch of My Hand - Britney Spears...very appropriate if you look at the lyrics

what's the worst job you can think of: Anything involving blood & guts

whats one quote that sums up your life: ?? I've not found one yet

Whats the funniest thing about you: I dunno but I manage to crack my mates up

whats the one word that sums you up: Boobylicious (thanks Rach)

do you have tattoos: Yes, one but getting my next one done next week!!

do you have piercings: Yeah, ears twice though I'm pretty sure my top holes have healed up

If you could be the opposite sex for one day what would you do: Play with my cock for a bit, adjust myself in public, be as loutish as possible

if you could change your name would you: No

to what: I wouldn't change it

whats one thing you want everyone to know about you that wasn't mentioned: I'm only a little bit crazy and not as crazy as I might appear ;)

how was your childhood: Pretty good then I had to grow up far too quickly

name your last 2 exs: A lady never kisses and tells

describe them: Warm & snuggle-able but a total prick, Cute but geeky

if you and your friends were on an island with no food, who would you eat: I don't know...

how do you want to die: I don't know

What bothers you the most about the world: Violence

what store do you usually spend all your money at: Depends on the mood...

do you believe in the love you see in movies: No, cos we don't know what happens after the credits start

why do you think you were put on this earth: I can't think of a reason...

So my driving test. Haha, it'll certainly be one to tell the kids (if I have any). I'd already failed my test once for speeding so we're on test number instructor came to pick me up as usual and we headed on the normal route to the test centre. About 2 minutes from my house is a ball ache of a roundabout and I was a tad too close to the curb approaching the close in fact I bent the wheel arch when I hit it. We park up in the car park of Sainsbury's, it's pissing it down and Mark is trying to change the tyre but he only has a space saver one so he drives foot down to the nearest Kwik Fit while I'm sat in the passenger seat having a meltdown.

It all turned out ok in the end because we made it to the test centre with time for me to very quickly practice reverse parking but to this day I have no idea how I passed my test...and with only 6 minors unlike someone I could mention who got 8.

Well it's 0549 and I'm still not tired...fuck fuckity fuckfuckfuck. I guess it's good in a way cos I'll be so tired I'll sleep on the coach to London but I'll be knackered for my interview. Oh well...

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