Saturday 12 September 2009

Company mag article

As I blogged last month, myself and some friends were going to be in company magazine and now I'm using my laptop again (albeit very, very briefly) I thought it was time I uploaded the article.

Company scan

I still fill up now reading it. I honestly would be lost without all of the sewer kittens. I had a discussion with a friend a few days back and I did forget how different the endo bond is in comparison to the friendships I've formed on another forum.

The sewer kittens will always be intricately linked because the endo affects us in a much, much different way. I can be brutally honest with those girls but I edit the truth a bit with the majority of my other friends. By that I mean I edit out a lot of the gory details. Hmmm, I try not to ponder on it all too much. As I said in my grievance meeting it is not good for my mental state to dwell on what could go wrong because it just upsets me.

I did the first half of my pass plus today. It was AMAZING!! Apart from the running through a red light and going at 85mph on the motorway that is. Next part is booked for next Saturday. Think we're covering Roundabouts (they still scare the shit out of me), rural roads, some more city driving and some more motorway driving.

Got a lot of stuff to do this week like writing my resignation letter, going to the bank, trying not to drool over my car too much, seeing my friend Rach and god knows what else will crop up.


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