Friday, 6 February 2009

Eye test time

Well I've been for my 2 yearly check up....yet another change in my prescription but finally both my eyes are at the same level, need to get some new glasses now. I had a quick look in Vision Express but there wasn't anything I liked or that really suited me so it looks like I'll be relying on my contacts for a while.

I had the advanced eye test done so in just under 48 hours pictures of the back of my eye will be available for me to view online...and of course I will be blogging them - it's really fascinating to look at.

That's me done for another two years apart from contact lens check ups...they are kinda fun though...get funky coloured dye put in to check the health of the eye, so far I've had yellow vision, purple vision, green vision and blue vision. It takes about an hour for the day to wear off and it amuses me greatly...but I am a tad odd.

Been in a bit of a bad mood today, I've had a to-do with my former employers where my ex team leader has being giving out private information about me which is in turn putting prospective employers/agencies off. I've raised a formal grievance but there's not much more I can do. I'm absolutely appalled to be honest. Firstly with how a chavvy little witch like her even got a team leaders post and second of all that she's been bad mouthing me to other companies. I'm not blowing my own trumpet but I went above and beyond what was expected of me as a Payroll Clerk, not just with actually doing my best with my payrolls but with the fact I was dealing with the very high earners salaries when I'd been there about a month. It's wasn't the kind of payroll you could fuck up and not be overly concerned...if I'd have fucked up I'd have got sacked. Well...OK I DID get sacked but that was due to a very bad time with the Endo and not because I fucked up.

Anyway, I'll see what comes of the formal grievance, it's all a waiting game now. I just hope they at least allow me to approve my reference from them because once that's done then every agency she's bad mouthed me to need to receive a copy of the new reference but in most cases it's too late.

I've now taken an agency to task about refusing to accept my application for a job, this is the same agency who contacted my previous employer without asking me first. Hmph.

On the job front I'm not having much luck. There's just no jobs out there unless I want to move miles away from everyone I know and love, which obviously I don't want to do that. There are a couple of things so I've applied but all I can do is wait and see if I hear anything.

Another thing that hasn't helped improve my mood is I need another sicknote (god love my GP she doesn't want me back at work until I've seen my consultant but I AM GOING STIR FOOKING CRAZY) and so I rang up today, explained that my post op appointment had been moved from the 29th January to the 19th February and as the GP didn't want me back at work could I get another sicknote. Got a phone call 5 minutes after hanging up the phone telling me I need to go in to see the doctor which is bloody ridiculous so when I get a cold from over anxious mothers taking their brats in for a case of the sniffles I will be well and truly pissed off.

That's my rant for the day I think...lets see what the GP/Agency/Ex Employers can do to fuck my Friday up!

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